The Flaming Chalice
The newsletter of The Unitarian Universalist Community Church
The Flaming Chalice Newsletter (From Newsletter Fall 2024)
Newsletters have been a major part of the Unitarian and Universalist congregations in Augusta for generations to give a picture of what is occurring in the congregation. They are current documents when they are written, showing where we are going, and historic documents as we reflect on where we have been.
In September 2018, the Board of Trustees voted to change the newsletter in significant ways.
First, the newsletter moved from being published monthly to three times a year. The fall (October) Flaming Chalice newsletter is an invitation for committees and groups to share their startup activities of the new church year. The winter (February) newsletter will focus on how our work and ministries are evolving during this church year. The spring (June) Flaming Chalice will be the Annual Report with a focus on the Story of Our Church Year.
Second, the focus of the content moved from a record of activities and actions to more in-depth articles on our congregational life and outreach. We ask the writers to consider a perspective that draws us into deeper consideration of our church community as they write their articles.
Third, with the changes noted above, we have been increasing the writership from all parts of the
congregation. This is increasingly important as we are a community that is evolving and in a new phase of becoming a Beloved Community. We are all part of the community!
The Communications Work Group welcomes you to this newsletter! Enjoy!
The UUCC Newsletter is called The Flaming Chalice.
Material for The Flaming Chalice is collected the third Monday of the month prior to publication. Send information in font Arial 11 to The newsletter is distributed on the fourth Monday of the scheduled month, primarily electronically via e-mail. It is also posted on the website and copies are available in the church hallway.
Newsletter Fall 2024.11 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Winter 2023-24 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Fall 2023 The Flaming Chalice
The Newsletter Spring 2023 The Flaming Chalice is June 2023 Annual Report
Newsletter Winter 2022-23 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Fall 2022 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Summer 2022 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Winter 2021-2022 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Fall 2021 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Spring 2020-21 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Winter 2020-21 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Fall 2020 The Flaming Chalice
Newsletter Spring/Summer 2020 The Flaming Chalice
- Guidelines for UUCC Electronic Newsletters
- Guidelines for putting church newsletter on the Web
- Guidelines for sending email versions of the newsletter