Service Cancellations -- Weather, Other Emergencies
Service Cancellations – Weather, Other Emergencies
UUCC Information regarding service changes due to inclement weather:
If there is a parking ban in effect on the streets of Augusta or the Governor has declared a state of emergency, in-person worship services and meetings will be cancelled or other arrangements, such as virtual platform, will be noted. Otherwise, leadership will determine based on the weather forecast when and if services will be cancelled.
The UUCC Minister will consult with the UUCC Board President or Vice President to determine appropriate action during inclement weather or other emergencies. In the absence of the Minister, the Worship Associate will consult with the Board President. In the absence of the President, the Minister or Worship Associate will consult the Vice President.
Notification of service changes, postponements or cancellations will be communicated by:
-- sending an all church email to our members and friends
-- an updated recording will be placed on the church voicemail at 622-3232.
-- the phone tree will be activated for members who do not receive electronic notices.
-- the following local television stations will be notified of UUCC closing for broadcast regarding inclement weather: