Unitarian Universalist Association Connections

General Assembly 2024

 Virtual GA 2024 Theme Announcement: Love Unites, Stories Ignite

UUCC attendees at General Assembly planned are Rev. Donna Dolham, Michaela Loisel, Rev. Claire Curole and Rev. Helen Zidowecki as Delegates, and Kathy Kellison. Contact us with questions, comments about issues coming up, and ways to bring GA to UUCC.

We will try to keep you updated on events and decisions along the way and will give a summary report and GA Sunday Morning Service on September 29, 2024.

 ACTIONS OF IMMEDIATE WITNESS are statements about events occurring in the world that necessitates consideration of UU congregations for action and consideration. Three of such statements may be voted on at a General Assembly for such consideration.

 See https://www.uua.org/action/process/aiw for more information on the AIW process and the text of the proposed AIWs for consideration. And contact UUCC Delegates with comments, more information or suggestions on voting.

 AIWs proposed for GA 2024:

World on Fire: Humanitarian Aid and Climate Change

 Solidarity with Palestinians

Centering Love Amidst the Ongoing Impact of COVID-19



Sunday Service: How Do We Stay Relevant?  August 27, 2023

UUA Newsletter July 2023  Welcoming new UUA President

General Assembly 2023 Report to UUCC, July 2, 2023

UUCC Goes to GA 2023 (Mar, 25, 2023)

July 2023 The Coordinator of Lifespan Faith Formation (CLFF) initiates the Unitarian Universalist Association Connections (UUA Connections)!

The UUCC is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. The Coordinator Lifespan Faith Formation has established UUA Connections to consolidate, coordinate and disseminate information received from UUA. Any of us may receive information and relate to UUA. The UUA Connections focuses on these functions: 1) Connecting with UUA, 2) defining and collaborating with UUA concerns also of interest to UUCC, and 3) communicating events, and concerns and actions.

Contact: Monique Bergere, Coordinator of Lifespan Faith Formation

Connecting with the UUA: CLFF works through UUA Connections to collaborate, educate and enrich working together to strengthen Unitarian Universalism. We can start by being familiar with the UUCC website section About Unitarian Universalism.Toward the bottom of that section, see

Unitarian Universalist Association (https://www.uua.org/)

and the New England Region (https://www.uua.org/new-england)

Participation in General Assembly, the annual meeting of the Association, could be coordinated through UUA Connections. General Assembly June 21 - 25, 2023 is held online and in-person in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In addition to details of attending, the UUA looks for input from congregations throughout the year. Which actions we take, when and how, can be coordinated by UUA Connections.

UUA concerns of interest to UUCC: CLFF will guide defining UUA initiates so that the respective roles, resources and responsibilities for various activities would be clear and collaborative. For example, this is a year of study and revision of Article II of UUA Bylaws. The Study Commission is intently asking for interaction with UUs individually and as congregations in this revision process. (https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission)  UUA Connection could make the congregation aware of this generally. However, focus on the Eighth Principle, also part of Article II, is being undertaken through Social Justice, coordinated through UUA Connection.

Communications and Publicity are coordinated by the CLFF: notices of immediate interest may appear on the Home Page of the website under Special Notices with links to more information, in E-Blast and The Flaming Chalice (Newsletters) and other announcements. UUA Connections itself will appear on the UUA website under Minister/Staff/Church Life. Scroll down to the last section, UUA Connections.

The UUA Connections focuses on these functions: Connecting with UUA, defining and collaborating with UUA concerns also of interest to UUCC, and communicating events, and concerns and actions.

Contact: Monique Bergere, Coordinator of Lifespan Faith Formation