Partnering With Our Neighbors


About Partnering With Our Neighbors

We work with other churches and organizations  to provide services such as food, shelter and essentials.

Saturday Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall,  E-Blast Jan. 4, 2023 Updates / Messages from our Social Justice Committee The Social Justice Committee has received Board approval to pilot a Saturday breakfast program for guests at the overnight South Parish Warming Shelter. Shelter guests must leave at 7 AM and are not able to return until 7 in the evening. A very limited breakfast is available at South Parish since the shelter cannot utilize kitchen facilities. In an attempt to remedy this situation one day a week the UUCC Fellowship Hall will offer a warm place to gather and a hot, home cooked breakfast starting on January 14 from 7AM to 9 AM. Other congregations are being contacted in the hope of creating an interfaith ministry.

There are many ways to join us in this effort. Volunteer on Saturday to cook, serve or clean; plan and deliver food prior to the breakfast; send a check to UUCC with a memo, “Saturday Breakfast Mission” to help with funds, share your enthusiasm, knowledge and ideas.

If you are interested in any of the above please email Mary Kane or Debbie Mattson, co-chairs of the Social Justice Committee…,
or email Susan Shaw, regarding food donations.

Overnight Warming Shelter: We are seeking opportunities to assist the South Parish Congregational Church in their ministry to unhoused adults. They are able to provide overnight shelter 7 nights per week. Help is needed with food, clothing and outer wear, bedding, and cleaning chores. The shelter is closed from 7 AM to 7 PM; and although there are day services, there are gaps in the services. We are exploring ways we may help fill some of the gaps. (Winter Newsletter 2022-23,  p14)

Augusta Angel Food Network Free Community Dinner, Saturday Suppers:  UUCC has been involved with Community Suppers for about twenty years. We began to lead and financially support the suppers, with a variety of churches as well as other community members. The supper that we lead is served the first Saturday at South Parish Congregational Parish Hall on State Street in Augusta because of space needs. We prepared and serving food, to sat with guests, and donated fresh produce in season.

Augusta   Food Bank   (AFB)  provides residents of Augusta and   Manchester with groceries to help bridge     the   gap   between their  current circumstance   and   adequate nutrition.  UUCC members    generously donate food, money, their time volunteering at the food bank and serving on the board of the AFB.    For  more  information on  how  you  can   donate or get involved  please watch  for details in the  church bulletins and newsletter  or contact the UUCC representative to the AFB.

Family Violence Project. The congregation has a long history of partnering with Family Violence Project (FVP) to foster education and raise awareness around issues of domestic violence, elder abuse, teen dating violence, and bullying. We support the vision of FVP through share the plate, adopting a family during the holidays, and educational events.

Kennebec Advocacy Team (KAT) is a consortium of religious organizations, union locals and social service agencies that gather to identify community needs and design strategies to effect public policy decisions addressing those needs. UUCC has been actively involved with KVO, and our currently focus has been on maintaining and strengthening services to senior citizens throughout Kennebec Valley.