Annual Meetings

 Call to Annual Meeting

 Sunday, June 2, 2024, 10:00 am.

 In-Person in the Sanctuary--Boxcast has been added!

If you join by Boxcast, please check in using the Boxcast chat room AT or BEFORE 10:00 AM so all members can be counted.We need to verify that we have a quorum to allow us to conduct the business of the meeting.The Boxcast Chat Room will include more details about how to check in and participate in the meeting using the chat room. 

 The Annual Meeting is a manifestation of UU's 5th principle to base all church business on the democratic process.

 As such, the practice of church governance is a tangible expression of our faith.

  ** Please consider your participation as key to a successful meeting, particularly since we must have a quorum to carry out the business. **

  We will consider issues that are the lifeblood of the church, including

 Next year's budget (sent in separate email)

  • New bylaws (sent in separate email)
  • Review of this year's finances (FY23-24 budget update through May 31, 2024 will be provided at or before the Annual Meeting)
  • Infrastructure updates
  • Board members and Committee Leaders for next year (See Nominations Report from Leadership Development in the Annual Report)
  • Recognition of the tremendous work we have done this year to further our mission and vision to serve as a bright light in the world








June 4, 2023 FY 21-23 UUCC Annual Report 2023 Rev.2023

June 5, 2022   FY 21-22 Annual Report    Proposed FY 2022-23 budget

June 6, 2021 Annual Meeting  FY20-21 Annual Report  FY2021-22 budget Leadership Development Nominations

August 16, 2020 Annual Meeting Annual Report  Budget Report   Nominations

June 2, 2019 Annual Meeting Annual Report   Addendum to Annual Report   Proposed Budget

June 3, 2018 Annual Meeting Annual Report     Proposed Budget

June 4, 2017 Annual Meeting Annual Report     Proposed Budget

June 5, 2016 Annual Meeting Annual Report     Proposed Budget

June 7, 2015 Annual Meeting  Annual Report    Proposed Budget